Monday 13 February 2012

Response to: The Socialogy of Jesus

I definitely agree with your post and how all Jesus characters are women, and demonic characters are usually portrayed by women. They are also usually dressed scantily clad - such as with Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman and Demi Moore as Madison Lee in Charlie's Angels. The sexy evil characters are usually in lingerie or a very tight, revealing body suit. These women are shown as powerful, sexy, but evil, luring in a sense of danger. They are also masters at the art of seduction - something contrary to what religious people may believe in.

There are, however, womanly Christ figures in movies - usually the angel or fairy godmother. Movies like this include Cinderella and Mama Odie in Disney's "The Princess and the Frog". They play God, making sure they help out the main character(s) when in need or to help save from disasters. They can always hear when help is needed and often appear from nowhere. The fairy godmother is the mentor, showing motherly actions and paving the right path for the character to follow.

As for your question, "Why is being a devil sexy?", perhaps it's because people like a sense of evil or danger. Instead of going for the good person or the hero, try something new. The devilish characters are most always very sexy and seductive, luring people to the evil side with their sexuality.

You said, "We see that a lot of social norms, customs, and culture is in someway a derivative of christianity. It is safe to assume that these same perspectives have found their way to dictating gender roles". If people are dictating gender roles, specifically through films, then does this mean people see women as evil, if they are potraying the devil?

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