Sunday 22 January 2012

Response to Gianni's post, "Get Out of Hell Free Card"


I agree with your thoughts about how religion is portrayed in popular media -- that Jesus will always be around to save someone in their time of need. Another example of this is shown in one of my favorite TV shows, Desperate Housewives. One of the main characters on the show is a woman, Bree Van de Kamp, who is a devout Christian. Throughout the show, she has turned to Christianity in times of need; whether it was when her son told her he was gay, when he accidentally ran over a woman, or she had an affair, she always turned to God and hoped he would forgive her. She makes sure that people know Christianity is a big part of her life and any time she has done something wrong, she will repent her sins - contrary to what Homer Simpson said.

The line, "I'll recant when I'm on my deathbed", does prove very fitting in today's world. As I mentioned in my post, I grew up in a nondenominational household, so I can't necessarily relate to that line. However, I do have many Christian and Catholic friends, who, like you, have not been attending Church regularly but hope to do so in the future. I've noticed that most of my friends have never attended a confessional and have said to each other, that they will repent later in life. The trend I've noticed - and maybe it's just with the people I know - is that as the generations go on, the less they go to Church or stay with a religion. My grandma attends Church every Sunday and freaks out if she accidentally sleeps in or has to miss it because something came up. My dad used to attend Church when he was younger, but as he got older, he slowly stopped. Then come my brother and I, who do not follow a belief. My mom grew up in a nondenominational household and as my dad stopped attending Church, he never brought us up with a religion. This case is common in many of my friends as well - either they do not follow a belief, or they simply do not attend Church regularly.

I'm glad you posted the "Get Out of Jail Free Card" photo - I've seen it a couple times before but I've forgotten about it until now. It was really suiting for the theme of lecture!

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